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FemiClear's All-Natural Remedy for BV Symptoms: Proven Effective
Aug 15, 2022

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is uncomfortable, unpleasant, and far more common than most people realize. We don’t talk a lot about vaginal health in our culture, but the fact is, it’s tough to have a good day when you’re not feeling good ‘down there.’ It’s time that the 1 in 3 women who experience BV have access to an all natural, lab-tested and, consumer-tested product.
FemiClear’s innovative product for bacterial vaginosis is all-natural and highly effective at killing Gardnerella vaginalis, the leading bacteria that causes BV infection.

FemiClear Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms product:
- 2 Day Dose
- Proven to kill 99.9% of the bacteria that causes BV*
- 91% of users reported symptoms were eliminated**
(discharge, fishy odor, and excess discharge)
“The results of the BV study show that the vast majority of users reported complete elimination of BV symptoms, which is a remarkable advancement for a product that addresses BV and for patients that are looking for relief from a common issue,” says Dr. Jessica Shepherd, Chief Medical Officer of Verywell Health and Principal Investigator of the FemiClear Bacterial Vaginosis consumer study.
Participants in the IRB-approved study with consumer home use of the product were thrilled with the results. “I was actually blown away with how fast and how well this product worked,” says one user. “I was feeling the results very quickly, within 12 hours, and my symptoms were completely gone in 3 days. I have never tried anything that has worked this fast or worked this well!”
“At FemiClear, our goal is to address health issues that impact women every day,” says Caroline Goodner, the founder and CEO of OrganiCare. “Developing a FemiClear product for bacterial vaginosis was a clear objective for us since BV is the most common vaginal issue women deal with. From our consumer research, we know that current treatment options don’t resolve the symptoms for many women and there is significant opportunity to provide a better solution. We have successfully addressed genital herpes symptoms and yeast infections with our other FemiClear products and want to continue to be the innovative leader for vaginal health.”
While most people who experience a vaginal health issue want the problem solved quickly, they’re also mindful about the ingredients in the products they’re using in such an intimate area. FemiClear’s products are made with natural and organic ingredients, and free of harmful synthetic chemicals and toxins.
“Everyone wants products that make them feel good in their own skin,” says Goodner, “We make effective, all-natural vaginal health products that don’t require a prescription. We’re making a difference.”
FemiClear’s products can be found in major national and regional drug stores and retailers including Walgreens, Rite Aid, Walmart, Amazon, and more.
Claims based on clinical and/or in vitro laboratory (non-human, non-animal) studies, and traditional homeopathic practice (not accepted medical evidence; not FDA evaluated). These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*An independent accredited lab performed an in vitro (non-human/non-animal) time kill study to measure the amount Gardnerella Vaginalis that was killed. An overgrowth of Gardnerella Vaginalis, can cause a bacterial vaginosis (BV) infection, but might not be the only cause. Data on file.
**As self-reported in a comprehensive IRB approved study of >100 women. Individual results may vary. Data on file.
Aug 15, 2022

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Symptoms | Ointment
Relief in 24 hours from Odor, Discharge & Discomfort
Learn More